Category: Current topics!
This smart audio guide designed for tablets and smartphones is the most advanced application to date to be launched by the state-owned art gallery. In addition to the digitalisation of the most outstanding paintings in the world, the app will also be available for rental, and in webapp format;...
Turium, the Vocento proposal, which, together with the main Spanish companies, aims to promote quality tourism in our country, has been presented. A multidisciplinary cluster of experts in tourism, communication, branding, consulting and trend research ready to contribute to the transformation of the country’s main economic sector. The...
At GVAM we are pleased to announce the partnership agreement with Archimede Arte, a leading company in the 3D digitization of artistic assets in Italy, with the aim of promoting and developing smart guide projects in Italy. In a year of uncertainty, at GVAM we continue working to bring...
The city of Salamanca, through Tourism of Salamanca, have promoted the online marketing of tourist services, supporting the sector by promoting online business and digital channels, the virtual tour and the digitalization of informational content. The new Salamanca Tourism APP, developed together with GVAM, has received the ‘Digital Tourist 2020’ Tourism...
The European project rurAllure (“Promotion of rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of European pilgrimage routes”) was officially launched during the kick-off meeting that took place on 11-13 January. This innovative Horizon2020 project fosters cultural cooperation and sustainable tourism in the proximity of the European historic pilgrimage routes leveraging...
Born to bring digital life to the most surprising landscapes of the Atlantic coast Geotours App is the latest mobile application developed by GVAM to promote European Atlantic geotourism in collaboration with the European Atlantic Geotourism Route (EAGR). With the aim of promoting and disseminating the geological and cultural...
A few days ago, the Carrousel du Louvre Paris was the meeting place for museums around the world coming together for SITEM. The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC) and the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, invited to the workshop organised by GVAM, reflected on their digital transformation and, more specifically, on the value of their data intelligence in order...
From January 28 to 30 we will be at the 24th edition of SITEM, the conference that brings together professionals from the world of tourism and culture in Paris. This renowned event will be a unique opportunity for cultural and touristic institutions to discover trends, create new bonds and...
On November 26th we participated in MUSEAC, the first Accessible Museums Conference organized by the Spanish Subtitle and Audiodescription Centre (CESyA), the Royal Board on Disability and the Carlos III University of Madrid, with the Naval Museum, Casa de América, FCYT and GVAM as collaborators. Among the different speakers from...
How can we show our youth that the world is not what they watch on a screen, but that the screen itself is another window to reality? In the episcopal palace of Astorga, mobile technology will become the door to access a fascinating and misterious world: the Gaudí universe....
The trend set years ago by monuments and leisure centres around the world is unstoppable and spreading to art museums not wishing to be left behind. The Prado Museum is the latest to take up the mantle with a new audioguide for smartphones, the simplicity of which will certainly...
Press play and put yourself in the shoes of the brilliant architects of the Tower of the Captive! These are the first images of our virtual reality project in the Alhambra, which will allow visitors to enjoy this unique space as it might have been in the 14th century...