26 October, 2015
We release the new 5.0 version of our mutimedia guides in the Lazaro Galdiano Museum
Visitors to the Lazaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid can now enjoy the latest GVAM multimedia guides which offer users increased usability and new interaction features (available for iOS and Android). The renovation follows GVAM’s recent award of this museum’s project to exploit as a joint operation a service that offers rental tablets and mobile application with various routes available for a fee (“42 Masterpieces”, “Curiosities” and “Jose Lazaro life’s collection “) and two free routes (” 12 must-sees “and the “accessible route “).
This new 5.0 version of the GVAM multimedia guide, which will be incorporated into all museums and cities with which we work, has the following features:
- – Enhanced visitor interaction with the museum through social networks.
- – Integrated in-app purchases that may be updated according to the response of the visitor.
- – Unique features for your rental model inside the museum.
- – Incorporated elements that facilitate locating artworks.
- – Improved access to accessible content through selective downloads, helping to avoid overloading visitors devices.
- – Compatibility with IOS and Android in its native HTML5 + hybrid technology , and will soon allow publication in Windows Phone.
In addition to the various technical updates, the old contents have also been updated and new material has been incorporated in Spanish, English and French. As a whole, the project contains more than 85 voice-overs, spread over 4 themed tours and one specific route in spanish for the visually or hearing impaired; making it a diverse offer for a diverse audience.
You can now download the new “Lazaro Galdiano Museum” app, available for IOS and Android.