National Heritage (Spain) entrusts GVAM its new multimedia guides until 2022


30 July, 2015

National Heritage (Spain) entrusts GVAM its new multimedia guides until 2022

National Heritage (Patrimonio Nacional in spanish) has decided to take a revolutionary change in its technological offer for its 3 million annual visitors. Following the steps of museums like The Louvre or The RijksMuseum, which replaced the traditional audio guide, this great Spanish cultural institution seeks to value the assets of its 13 Royal Sites, Palaces and Monasteries standing at the forefront in the application of new technologies for visitors.

GVAM has won this high competitive tender to develop and run this revenue share project for the next 7 years. The system will be implemented in 2016 and consist in:

  • – 1,500 multimedia guides for rent.
  • – 13 mobile applications (apps) for download on the device of the visitor (iOS, Android and Windows Phone operating systems).
  • – 1,900 Guiding devices for groups.
  • – WIFI infrastructure for full coverage and high availability.
  • – Visitor service with more than 40 people.
  • – Content Management System (CMS) Ventour for over 11 languages.
  • – Studies of satisfaction and usage statistics over 700,000 users a year
  • – New ways for sponsors, ecommerce, social and educational services.

The overall aim is to spread to every visitor the peculiarities and heritage significance of a collection of 3,000 tapestries , 3,576 paintings and 278 wall paintings, 6,000 sculptures , 721 clocks, 379 musical instruments, furniture and 18,000 works a unique and large collection of carriages and weapons.