November 2013
“The place to see and experience tomorrow’s technology now”. This defines the SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin (Texas), whose 21st edition will take place in March 2014. Its director, Hugh Forrest, did not go unnoticed in the auditorium of the Ibero-American Culture Congress, held in Zaragoza from 20 –...
ultural industries and technology companies: are they forced to understand each other? “. With no small rhetorical intent, Molly Barton (@molbarton) chose this title for the speech she gave at the fifth Ibero-American Culture Congress. The increasing inter-dependence of the technological and cultural industries is sometimes analyzed from a reactionary...
During the fifth Conference on 2.0 Corporate Communication held on October 18th at the University Carlos III of Madrid, several communication, marketing and technology experts explored the uses of smartphones in order to improve business and institutional communication strategies. In this post we review the key elements for the...
Visitors to El Born Cultural Centre, which opened last September, can now request accessible mobile guides. These have been developed using GVAM technology. They perform the same functions as audio and traditional sign language guides, with the advantage that they integrates video and audio and they offer different options...